I am assuming that you are discussing a rebuild of the engine. A very
important step in this process is having the block hot-tanked - it goes
into a chemical bath to boil out the old dirt and corrosion in the oil and
water passages, and ensures a clean block to begin inspection or
reassembly. This process will also remove all the old paint.
Chris Delling
At 10:33 PM 1/25/98 -0400, Enrique Claure wrote:
>>Hello fellow MGers, My MGB=B4s engine is out and ready for a 99.99%=
>Before I do so, I will paint the engine with Maroon Red form Hirsch Auto. I
>must first remove the original worn down paint. What should I use to do so:
>1. Sand blast 2. Chemical Stripper 3. Stripper and Mechanical sanding?
>Thanks for your advice, ENrique.
>Enrique Claure
>PO BOX 777-TOP 196
>MIAMI FL 33152
>E-MAIL span@datacom-bo.net