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Re: Debugging MGB fuel system

To: Blake Wylie <>
Subject: Re: Debugging MGB fuel system
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 01:56:37 -0500
Blake Wylie wrote:
> Well, they are the lower ones (altitude wise)....heh...The front one faces
> in the general direction of the front of the car...sort of...and toward the
> driver's side.  The rear is pointing toward the rear and driver's side.  I'm
> not looking at it right now, so that's basically the best description I can
> give, although not a good one.  :)

  That's good enough, it makes sense, thanks.

> Heh...they were flooding.  :)  Replace the needles and guage the float
> levels by using a 1/8ths drill bit (which you are doing and have done from
> what I have read).  :)

 I did do it twice, the first time it seemed fine, the second time it
was WAY off. I decided there must be some moving part or broken part
in the valves, so I ordered the grose jets and will set it all up
when they arrive.
> Soon, another 70 will be back on the road again.  Heh

  Well, because of the weather it'll be a few months, but I have
a big parking garage to drive it around.

  Thanks again! (and thanks to all)

Trevor Boicey
Ottawa, Canada

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