Teacher122 wrote:
> In a message dated 98-01-21 13:32:48 EST, miker15@juno.com writes:
> << I solved this problem 7 years ago by obtaining two cats from the same
> litter
> so as to ensure roughly equal longevity for both units, i made one error
> however
> in picking one that is male threaded and one of the other type. This
> leads to
> two problems, the first was 6 smaller chocks in the first year and now
> the
> two originals are of unequal proportions -
> both of them kick the dogs' arses pretty significantly however
> mike robson
> 69 roadster
> 70 BGT
> 72 roadster
> >>
> Mike,
> Unlike MG's, cats operate pretty well without all parts intact. This will
> take care of your problem of multiplying wheel chocks! "Here Lucky! Here
> Lucky! Let's go see that nice vet!"
> Tom Green
What's the definition of a ball-race? When you are trying to catch the cat to
take it to the vets to get it 'seen to'.