Before we all de-fat the tissues of our hands or worse, let's go down to
the industrial supply house and buy Nitrile Rubber gloves. They are
(usually) green and come in various weights and cuff lengths. The are
impermeable to most solvents and yet light weight. Cost is cheap: $1.75
(US)/pair, less in quantity.
Latex gloves and dishwashing gloves are not rated for chemical exposure.
Safety fist!
David F. Darby
Interior Highlands, Missouri, US
> From: Jurgen Hartwig <gt0003a@prism.gatech.edu>
> To: Cordell, Ralph PhD <rzc4@cdc.gov>; 'MG submission'
> Subject: Re: Disk Wheels - MGA
> Date: Thursday, 22 January, 1998 12:56 PM
> At 01:16 PM 1/22/98 -0500, Cordell, Ralph PhD wrote:
> > I've also got a gallon can of stripeze and a
> >bag of coarse steel wool pads (I'm sort of tired of the skin on my hands
> >anyway). What sort of paint should I use if I do it myself? Are there
> >any tricks/pitfalls I need to be aware of? It all seems pretty
> >straightforward but I've a long history of being torpedoed by things
> >that seemed straightforward. Hints/suggestions will be appreciated.
Jay writes:
> However, if you desire to use a chemical stripper, I would suggest you
forgo the
> Stripeze and go to a paint supply store(preferably automotive) and ask
for a quart
> of aircraft stripper. This will make short work of any paint, except the
> stubborn. Any chemical stripper is going to eat your skin up.
> I used to use latex gloves but the stripper ate through them in no time
> so I suggest you grab some dish washing gloves. They work great, and if
> put some Palmolive inside the gloves, you'll have silky smooth hands.:)
> Consider that you would pay $300+ to have someone else do the work, and
the sandblaster cost and your sweat labor are quite an attractive
alternative. Besides, doing the work yourself is more fun and rewarding.
I love being able to say that I rebuilt my car with my own two grubby
> Jay
> ***********************************************
> Jurgen Hartwig, Civil Engineering, Georgia Tech
> <paraindent><param>left</param>When you were born you cried
> and the world rejoiced
> Try to live your life so that
> when you die you will rejoice
> and the world will cry.
Love this quote. Where did it come from?