The Second Annual Chicagoland British Car Parts Swap Meet and Autojumble will
be held on Sunday February 22nd at the DuPage County Fairgrounds, Wheaton,
IL. Show Hours - 8am to 3pm. Vendor setup - 6am. Admission - $3.00.
Got a garage full of parts you want to get rid of??? 10'x10' vendor space
only $20.00.
Restoring a car and looking for those parts made of unobtanium? C'mon out and
find them!
Last years inaugural show was a big hit with both vendors and attendees.
Need more info?
Call Jim Evans 630-858-8192 or Dave Mullis 630-916-7358
The show is put on by the Chicagoland MG Club.
Kim Tonry
Editor - MGB Driver-the Journal of the North American MGB Register (and a
CMGC member)
Downers Grove, IL, USA