On Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:57:40 -0500 Jurgen Hartwig
<gt0003a@prism.gatech.edu> writes:
>At 06:53 PM 1/20/98 -0800, Jason wrote:
<<Would plugs such as the "Split Fire" line do much? They claim to .....
[snip the blah, blah sales crap]
..... They are about twice the price of normal plugs, but ..... >>
But? But forget it, keep the $$$$ in your pocket. You can buy a high
voltage coil for about the same price as a set of those funny spark
plugs, and the new coil should last for many years and give you WAY
hotter spark in the process. If the fancy plugs really did last a little
longer, it just means you shell out another $25 every 50,000 miles
instead of $8 every 40,000 miles.
>jason and all, index your plugs if you so desire more power. Grab a
40,000 volt Lucas Sport Coil or equivalent. Make sure points and
condenser are fine; gap plugs to .050 or roughly in that neighborhood.
Drive car up the steepest hill you can find. If your engine misses,
decrease plug gap around .005 and try again.
>..... [little snip] .....
>This has worked marvelously for me. And if you have any doubts as to
the validity of this claim, let me qualify my above statements by saying
Barney Gaylord advised me to do this.
Well, not quite, JH. I would never try to keep the plug gap within .005
of that magic promise of a misfire. You would have to be readjusting the
plug gaps every couple of thousand miles to keep it running right, and
for me that would be at least once a month in the busy season, when I'd
rather be driving than tinkering. The 40 KV coil is spot on, as well as
checking up on the points. Once you have that kind of spark going, just
set the plug gaps at about .045 and forget them for another 20,000 miles.
Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude