> Michael S. Lishego wrote:
> >> There's an easier way, according to Haynes! When I removed my
> springs from a
> >>'77 and a '74, I used this method with no ill effects. Simply place a
> floor jack
> >>under the spring pan and jack the car up slightly (of course, the car
> should be safely
> >>on stands now!) Remove the bolts that hold in the spring pan and stand
> out of the way
> >>as you slowly lower the jack. If done properly, the spring should run
> out of
> >>compression long before the jack is bottomed out, and it will fall
> harmlessly out of
My $.02:
I used the same method as others mentioned except I ran a length of chain
around the coil sping to the crossmember to act as a safety link in case
things let loose.
As far as installing the new springs, I found it was easier to offset the
jack to the rear of the spring pan, jack up and insert those bolts first
(with nuts), then jack up the outer edge of the spring pan to get those bolts
installed, rather than trying to jack the whole spring pan up at one time. I
used my chain arrangement on installation as well.
BTW: If your looking for an ideal floor jack for this operation, Sams Club
sells a 6ton floor jack that has a lifiting cup that fits perfectly around
the lower springpan indentation, gripping it quite nicely.
Good luck and be careful!
'70 MGB