On Sun, 18 Jan 98 15:49:09 EST Sean Bartnik <sbart7kb@www.mwc.edu>
>Hello all & Greetings:
>I'm new to the list. At this point I'm a wanna-MG, and I'm thinking
>specifically. Before I get one though, I have a lot to learn, and
>that's why I've subscribed to this list.
You are in the right place though some would contend that you will learn
more about Frank Zappa, Dr Who and the differences between esoteric
British beers - this however is part of the learning experience!
>Basically I'm here to learn about the MGB in particular and other MGs
>inthe course of that. If anyone could help me out with MG basics (such
>asmodel year changes, engines, etc) or point me toward a web site or
>bookwith this information, I'd appreciate it.
Three that you will need as biblical reading
1)"MGB Guide to purchase and restoration" by Lindsay Porter
2)"Original MGB " by Anders Ditlev Clausager
3)Haynes manual for the MGB
Portes book is a wealth of information on what to look for when looking
at prospective cars, it also gives an historical timeline of changes over
the years, Clausagers book gives a lot more on the specifications of the
cars and has some beautiful pictures of cars for you to asppire to.The
haynes manual has all the tech stuff youre likely to need.
Kai Radicke of this list has a web page with all sorts of useful info,
named addresses FAQs , websites (there are hundreds!)and the like but i
dont remember the URL - im sure he will send it to you
>Also, any comments on reliability (you knew that was coming, sorry)
>and ease-of-repairs (keep in mind my air-cooled VW leanings -- i.e. how
>does it compare? etc) would be greatly appreciated.
They are as reliable as you make them! - many folk still use them as
daily drivers without any undue calamities though it must be said, they
aint new and they aint state of the art!!!! - for example, i have three
so im fairly well assured that one of them will be drivable at any given
time (except when it snows....) get the picture??
>Of course, the MG being water-cooled, you add many more components
>as radiator, water pump, hoses, and God forbid, coolant. :-) I
>they are relatively easy to work on and keep up. If I had an MG, how
>often would I need to be "keeping up?" Do you find them to be
>I imagine they are high-maintenance, many of them being quite old by
>now, but that's fine as I'm used to high-maintenance and I enjoy doing
>automotive mechanical work.
The do need regular maintenance and certainly 30 year old cmponents are
going to fail from time to time but they are not complex beasts and you
obviously have a background in tinkering so i cant think of any special
caveat you should beware of
(except RUST RUST and RUST)
>And of course, the question you knew was coming -- are Lucas
>electricals really THAT bad??? :-) If so, why?
>I'm sure you've all heard the jokes many times, so I won't repeat them
>here :-) .
This is a minefield, there are those who find Lucas .....adequate
You willl have to buy a car and find out for yourself!!
Welcome to the threshold of an MG career! - you will certainly learn a
great deal from the members of this list and if you take the plunge im
sure you will enjoy the cameraderie of MG owners both here and at shows
and the like -
You'll also lose all the skin on all your knuckes and find new ways to
use expletives youd forgotten you knew!
mike robson
69 roadster
70 BGT
72 roadster