You might try:
British Motorsports in Campbell California
Palo Alto Speedometer in Palo Alto California
Mini Mania in Milpitas California
Speedo-Tach in Concord California
Brooklands in Fort Lauderdale Florida
Just a few of the sources I have cataloged (usual disclaimers apply)
At 11:40 PM -0700 1/16/98, Phil Bates wrote:
>You can also buy from Nisonger Instrument Sales & Service - 570 Mamaroneck
>Ave, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 (914)381-1953. They also do instrument
>rebuilding. I bought a Smith's 30 amp ammeter, a voltmeter, and a quartz
>clock from them for my '67 MGB. I mounted them wher the speaker used to be.
>>After frying yet another generator and getting stuck with a drained battery
>>in the middle of nowhere last May I want to install a voltmeter and an
>>ammeter in my 1966 MGB. It won't prevent the generator from dying, but
>>it'll serve as an early warning system. Of course one can also use the fact
>>that the turn signals or the horn do not work anymore as indicators of a
>>charging problem, but by then it's usually too late. I've put a ammeter in
>>my 1974 Volvo and I have found it's very useful. It will for example
>>indicate when the charging rate is lower than usual, which in my case
>>proved to be a slipping belt.
>>Does anybody know a North American supplier of Smiths voltmeters and
>>ammeters? I really don't want a generic brand gauge in the MG.
>>Dirk de Boer
>>1966 MGB
>>Thanks for your interest in our graduate program.
>>Dirk de Boer
>>Graduate Chair
>>Department of Geography
>>University of Saskatchewan
>Phil Bates
>58 MGA
>67 MGB
>75 Jaguar XJ12C
>66 Land Rover
>52 MG TD replicar (VW)
>86 Peugeot 505 Turbo Gle
>86 Honda Accord LX-i