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Petrol (or should that be gas?)

To: "MG digest submit" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Petrol (or should that be gas?)
From: Phil Raby <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 98 19:37:28 -0000
Leaded petrol (Gasoline to Yanks) =AD which some older MGs require - =
is being phased out in the UK in 2000. This will have a serious =
effect on classic car owners.

I know that the USA did this some years ago, how are people managing?

Also, what type of petrol is available in the US now? In England we =
have Four Star (98 Octane leaded), Super Unleaded (98 octane) and =
Unleaded (95 Octane). Super Unleaded is required for some performance =
cars but is not readily available anymore because of scares about its =
benzine content.

I'd be very interested in hearing of your thoughts and experiences on =
this issue.


Philip Raby
Editor, MG World
PO Box 163, Bicester OX6 3YS, UK
Tel: 01869 340061 Fax: 01869 340063 Mobile 0467 767361

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