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Re: Annoying idling problem fixed!

To: Scott Gardner <>
Subject: Re: Annoying idling problem fixed!
From: Eric Zambori <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 07:06:47 -0800
Scott Gardner wrote:
> I had a problem with my '72 B for a week or so in that it simply
> wouldn't idle!  You know how when you first start your car on a very
> cold morning and you let the choke off too soon, when you take your
> foot off the gas, the rpms will drop straight to zero, not even
> pausing at the "normal" idle speed?  Well, mine was behaving exactly
> like that, even with the engine fully warmed up.  Everything had been
> fine up to that point. (or so I thought).
>         I looked under the hood, and in addition to the fuel filter I've
> always seen, I found ANOTHER one upstream of the first, right where
> the metal pipe joins the rubber fuel hose.  It looked older than
> dirt, so I can't vouch for its age.  I took it off, and it has some
> rust-colored sludge in it.  I took the entire length of hose and both
> filters off, threw them away, and replaced it with a new hose and
> single new filter.  Not only is the problem solved, but the engine
> will now idle smoothly below 1000 rpm, a feat its never accomplished
> before.  I had always thought it was a combination of a poorly-tuned
> carb and the low compression ratio, but I guess I was just starving
> the engine for fuel!    This might be something to check if your car
> suddenly stops idling well.
> Scott

If you were starving for fuel at idle, wouldn't that have been magnified
at driving speeds and wouldn't that have made the car totally

Eric Zambori

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