For us modernists convinced of the efficacy of Bondo, please explain (a)
the benefits of lead, (b) where one obtains lead of the proper consistency
for this job, (c) what method of heating you use and at what temperatures,
and (d) how one prevents gravity from letting molten lead flow straight out
of a repair area, for example on the underside of a rocker panel. Inquiring
minds want to know....
> From: charlie schellinck <>
> To: Email list <>
> Subject: Re: patching rust holes?
> Date: Tuesday, January 13, 1998 11:12 PM
> You could use fiberglass or aluminum duct tape! That is very popular
> here but for a decent job try making a small square paint the back with
> waxol then pop rivet it in place. using a body hammer make it slightly
> indented and fill using your favorate filler (I like to use Lead) Then
> to shape and paint. all of witch can be done from outside the car!
> Chip, Chip, Cheerio!
> Adam Schellinck
> 1973 BRG MGB Roadster in 1 millon pieces and reassembeling!