I'm sure the New Zealand Department of Conservation would have something
to say about you using a poor defenceless little bird as a polishing
cloth :-)
Grant Shirreffs
70 MGB
New Zealand
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DANIEL RAY [SMTP:danray@bluegrass.net]
> Sent: Wednesday 14 January 1998 12:33
> To: 'MG List'
> Subject: Steering Wheel Resoration
> This may sound a bit weird, but my steering wheel's rim is kinda ratty
> but it's otherwise solid and sound, and I had an idea on how to
> improve it:
> Like a combat boot - strip it, dye it and polish it with Kiwi to a
> high "spit shine". (I've got a LITTLE experience with this, like 13
> years worth.)
> Now, I don't want the polish to come off in my hands, so should I seal
> it with something? A good "spit-shine" (no not with real spit)
> shouldn't rub off, but I would think sealing it might help the job
> last longer.
> Any ideas on a good clear leather sealant? Is treating a steering
> wheel like a combat boot silly?
> Any comment or suggestions are welcome.
> Dan Ray
> '73 MGB
> Ft. Knox, KY