Go to your local wrecking yard and find a mid-80's Audi 5000.
charlie schellinck wrote:
> An stupid assingment from my auto shop teacher was to find if there where
> any 5 clynder cars around any body know where one might reside. Or if you
> want to draw one for me and make it look like somthing offical the journals
> would be 144 degrees apart and the firing order would be 1,4,5,3,2,
> Chip, Chip, Cheerio!
> Adam Schellinck
> 1973 BRG MGB Roadster in 1 millon pieces and reassembeling!
> Btw anyone recived thier New Moss catolauge?
'59 Bugeye Sprite (Buick V6 powered!)
'74 1/2 MGB Roadster (for sale--$1500!)