Hi, John!
I'm ready!!
Now all I need is travelling funds... Well... actually that's what I
have... Funds that just seem to keep travelling...! :-(
We had hoped to spend some time in Alberta, but things sorta' got wound up
backwards there... Only scooted through Banff and Jasper. Expected to spend
time there on the return. Didn't happen! Next time....
At 07:56 PM 12/31/97 -0500, John McEwen wrote:
>Hi Carol:
>You and Barney are due for a vist to Alberta and especially up here to
>Edmonton. You saw the top end of the Alaska Highway, how about coming to
>the beginning?
>>Barney, Lawrie...
>>I say we can give it a "go". By then we can pare a presentation down to
>>under two hours, don't ya' think?? ;-)
>>Wow! Tahoe in June! In an MGA! Works for me. Now ~I~ need to work for
>>funds to get there!
>>How about on the way back from (or on the way to) Canada and points west...
>>from Toronto north to Hudson's Bay and thence west to NWT and Yukon....
>>Then back into the states. Sounds like a nice run to me... wow!
>>At 01:06 AM 12/31/97 EST, Barney Gaylord wrote:
>>>On Tue, 30 Dec 1997 19:20:49 -0800 "Lawrie Alexander"
>>><Lawrie@britcars.com> writes:
>>>>And to make the aqua even more opaque, the 1999 national convention of
>>>NAMGAR (GT-24) will be hosted by the Sacramento Valley MG Car Club at the
>>>Cal-Neva Resort at the north end of Lake Tahoe from June 23rd to 27th.
>>>More details to be posted on a special Web-site nest year but, in the
>>>meantime, if you have an MGA, we'd love to have you attend this event.
>>>>Barney, if you could make it, would you be willing to do a presentation
>>>on the Great Alaskan Trek"?
>>>Well, the presentation may be wearing a little thin by then, but we'll
>>>see. Waddayatink, Carol? Taho is just a stone's throw away from
>>>Chicago. ;-) Boy, I hope I don't have an autocross in Peoria that
>>>weekend. (}8^))
>>>Barney Gaylord
>>>1958 MGA with an attitude