On 5/1/98 4:30 pm Larry A Hoy said
>Is this a trick question? TR8
Duh, sorry, too early in the year. I was racking my brains for ages
trying to think of a V8 Triumph!! :-)
>How about: Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, various Rovers, MG, Triumph, Marsh
>Special (racing), Leyland P76, Morgan, TVR, Ginetta (racing/kit),
>Marcos, and I am sure others.
There's also the Westfield SEight - a Lotus 7 copy with V8 power. Brown
trousers come as standard! :-) People have also fitted V8s into Triumph
Stags, but that's frowned upon by the purists.
> Most of this information was from "The Rover V8 Engine" by David Hardcastle.
A good book, I've got a copy on my shelves. He did a companion volume
called Tuning Rover V8 Engines, which you may be interested in. Also
essential to MG fans is David Knowles definitive MG V8 Twenty One Years
Philip Raby
Editor, MG World
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