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Re: Rubber Bumpers MGs and the complainers

To: Benjamin Ruset <>, Mike Hartwig <>
Subject: Re: Rubber Bumpers MGs and the complainers
From: Mike Hartwig <>
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 13:56:42 -0600
At 10:33 AM 12/31/97 -0500, Benjamin Ruset wrote:
>>I have no problem with rubber bumper Bs.  It's just fact that the chrome
>>models are better; hands down.  You see, those Brits drink warm beer.
>>Couple warm
>>beer with a tightening automobile market and tightened restrictions by
>>and you have a disaster on yer hands.  
>How are they "better" - lets consider that many chrome models are either:
>1) rusted to oblivion, and therefore inexpensive
>2) in decent shape, and commanding $3000+
>3) in restored shape, and commanding $5000+
>whereas I got a nice, decent 78 B with little rust, some stupid ignition
>problems, etc for $800, plus $150 for tow.
>so far I have spent $20 on the car in repairs. it runs now.

Well, maybe where you're from, chrome bumper B's are rarer, but it just
takes some
patience to find one either in Atlanta or Memphis.  
Your $800 rubber bumper B or any B for instance will usually take hundreds
of hours
and thousands of dollars to get to restored condition(not 100 points), but
it won't
be cheap.  Either way you look at it, you buy the $800 B and spend $3000
getting it 
fixed up, or buy the $4000 chrome bumper B which has already had $4000, and
all those hours invested in it.  You will get a much better deal with the
chrome bumper B.

That is if you want to look at these cars from only a financial point of view.
I enjoy working on my car, so labor isn't quite "labor," and parts, in my
opinion are investments.

>>Of course, all of the above statements are fact and no opinion; we
>Uhm, shouldn't that be reversed?
Nope, the statement stands as written. :)

Still lookin' for my MGA:cheap!

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