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Re: [NC] Re: Getting rid of rodents,,,W/O Cats!

To: (Carol)
Subject: Re: [NC] Re: Getting rid of rodents,,,W/O Cats!
From: (Nory)
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 00:59:19 -0500
     Carol wrote:
          "...the idea of the RHR's being
           dressed up in little Santa suits
           and being set about the house
           during the holidays... maybe like
           at the chimney with care..."

Perfect!  And they wouldn't even be stirring!

Don't assume that because you have found one problem, you have found the
ONLY problem.
 '74 Midget & '71 parts car
 '94 Ford Ranger
 '86 Ford Escort
 '89 Ford Probe
 '96 North American Shepherd
 2 cats (handiest shop tools around)

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