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Re: 1970 MGB Pictures, anyone?

To: Skye Poier <>
Subject: Re: 1970 MGB Pictures, anyone?
From: Glenn Williams <>
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 12:31:41 -0500
Hi Skye,

I have a 1970 MGB and have some camcorder pictures, but at present,
have a way to capture the video frames (thinking about buying a capture
device called Zipshot). However, I do have a picture from rear of a 1970
that is in 'Moss Motoring, Fall 1997'. If your e-mail provider supports
attachments, I'll e-mail a jpeg picture to you. You can find 'Moss
on the web at (requires Adobe
Acrobat reader).

Glenn Williams
Johnson City, TN
1970 MGB (restore in progress after driving for 20 yrs)
1988 RX7-GTU
1988 Toyota Camry
1995 Mazda 626

Skye Poier wrote:
> Okay, this thread on "Whats the best" caught my attention since I haven't
> really committed to purchacing a particular year yet :)  I must admit the
> recessed grille is pretty cool.  But I have yet to find some pictures from
> the back!  I want to see this split bumper, someone help me out?
> Thanx
> Skye
> --
>  __                 __     __           "The problem is not whether the song
> |  |--.  _  .-----.|__|.--|  |.-----.    will continue, but whether a dark
> |  _  | |_| |__ --||  ||  _  ||  -__|    space can be found where the notes
> |_____|     |_____||__||_____||_____|    can resonate"    -- Rilke

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