Use new plugs, check/clean points and set dwell. Advance the timing a few
degrees above spec if your motor don't ping. I've never cured my backfiring at
the carbs, always ignition.
Tom Reichard wrote:
> My recently-acquired '77 Midget has a backfiring problem when the
> accelerator is released suddenly
> The engine has a Weber downdraft carb and Mallory dual-point ignition. The
> air pump is still installed and functional. It starts readily and runs
> nicely, other than the backfiring.
Cool. Webers and Mallory is a great combo. A '77 Midget with 1500 S*itfire
motor? If the air pump is functioning leave it alone. It don't hurt nothing
and, sitting on a shelf, they seize.
> Sorry for the "rank newbie" questions.
Don't worry about the questions. The "newbie" ones make me look smarter.
Bob Allen, Kansas City, '69CGT, '75TR6, '61Elva(?)