Basically when my sister asked me "Why an MG?" I just told her "Why Not?"
Someone also gave a us a very eloquant (sp?) letter about "Why an MG" which
made perfect sense to those of us who own them, but would make no sense to the
average car owner. Next time I'm asked at work "Why do you own those silly
little cars?" does anyone have an answer they'd understand?
Still haven't gotten what I'd consider an adequate answer as to why they are
getting more and more expensive, but more expensive cars are getting cheaper.
I could see if an MGB was all the sudden the star of a movie, or was feature
prominently in a commercial, demand for these cars would be jump started, but
I haven't seen anything like that yet. And that Sienfeld ad with the MGA
doesn't count because you wouldn't know what the hell he was driving if you
didn't already know. Only us MG freaks looked at the car and not the female