I'm the fng to the mgs digest and ask for your patience with any undue
ramblings or
recovered threads. Thought my welding experience for Tyson's consideration
might be
helpful. First, I would buy a welder that can be upgraded to gas (mig).
Innershield is
ok but it will be nice to have option to upgrade as I think gas is easier,
cleaner and
cooler on panels- besides, might need Christmas gift ideas for next year. I
Lincoln Weldpak 100 and gas conversion was $100. I lease gas cylinder and pay
rent of $18 for the cylinder.
When I got my Welder I went to local junk yard and brought a beat up panel to
on. It was a late model ford fender. Cut it up and stiched, seamed, lapped
and "spot"
welded it back together; hey, it was a new toy! If you can become proficent
this thin guage domestic metal you should look like a pro on the LBC's. Good
Bob-too many LBC's
51 MGTD, 60 MGA, 75 TR6.