The Richards wrote:
> Most comparisons I've seen have the F against the 4banger Z3.
I can't see it outselling the Z3 though, or even making a
big dent.
The Z3 is a swell little roadster that is also a status
symbol for the social-climber type. BMW is a fairly trendy
nameplate, and the Z3 is a "look at me" car.
MG is well known, but not as a status symbol. Smart shoppers
might choose a car based on merit and then we can debate
which is really the better car. But most will still go with
the Z3.
Reality, many shoppers will buy a Miata anyways. The
price just can't be beat, isn't it well under half the projected
price of an MGF? I think the MGF is a better car, but it's
a tough market. BMW will capture the high end, Miata owns
the low end, MG is without a real solid niche.
Trevor Boicey
Ottawa, Canada