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Re: Stripped Alloy Bolt Hole

Subject: Re: Stripped Alloy Bolt Hole
From: (Barney Gaylord)
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 06:41:23 EST
On Tue, 28 Oct 1997 18:05:59 EST (Rick Morrison)
>>..... suggested the product called heli-coil .....
>My $.02 worth.  
>  the little buggers are worth every cent you pay for them!!!!! .....

Here, here !!!  Great gadgets, and usually a piece of cake.

>  The only problem you'll have is you'll still have to get a drill to
the botched hole to drill it with the special bit (usually included in
the kit). other than that, it's a straight forward job.
>  1 Drill out old hole with included bit.
>  2. tap new hole with special tap (included)
>  3. place Heli-coil on installation tool
>  4.screw into newly tapped hole til the drive tang breaks off
>  5. remove tool and re-install orginal bolt.

I find it even easier than that.  With Helicoils, if you've just stripped
out the female thread you can skip step one, because the hole is already
the correct size for taping with the special tap supplied in the kit. 
The drill size is about equal to the major diameter of the finished
thread, and the hole is already at that size.  If you have enough room to
get the special tap into position and are able to turn it with some magic
tool, you're almost there.  But you still need room for the special
inserter tool.  Bottom line is, it's real easy if you have about two
fists full of room directly in line with the stripped hole.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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