Netcom must have had some technical difficulties that resulted in my
incoming mail getting bounced. When this happens "majordomo" pull the
plug on your account before bad things happen (vicious cycle would
begin) to the list. So what did I miss ? Was there any news about the
North American MGB Register's Annual General Meeting in New Orleans?,
which took place on Saturday.
Other news: Benjamin Ruset's search for an MGB is over. I just took him
to purchase a 78 B that I knew was available. Wish I could say that I
felt good about this but I really wanted this car for myself. Ben did
some fancy "I'm a starving college student" foot work and snagged the
car for less than I was going to have to pay for it. $800 for a solid
bodied B? I think the young man did quite well for himself. He does
need a boot (trunk) lid for the car and I only have early ones laying
around here, so maybe some one can help him out.
Follows is my little "Intro to MGs" information page. Figure as long as
I'm sending it to Ben then I may as well share the info with others who
may be new to this list as well.
Safety Fast, David Deutsch
Always try to source your parts via this list first and can many times
acquire your needs from a fellow enthusiast.
Four main new parts vendors in US are :
Moss Motors 1-800-235-6954
Special Interest Car Parts 1-800-851-5600
Victoria British 1-800-255-0088
The Roadster Factory 1-800-283-3723 or e-mail to
Some of the smaller parts suppliers are:
MG Bits and Spares with an order line at 1-800-643-3482
The Poper MG 1-800-711-3368 or e-mail
Brit-tek 1-800-255-5883 (great tech info)
Best of British, Inc. Denver, Co 303-871-1929 (ask for Trevor / no
catalog available)
for you Sprite / Midget and Mini / Morris Minor people:
Mini Mania
31 Winsor St.
Milpitas, CA 95035
Call all these #s and request parts catalogs, in most cases mentioning
my name will help expedite request although sometime they will say
"David who?" depends on individual on the phone.
There are a few good used parts venders for those No Longer Available
(NLA) items. I highly recommend:
Jim Knight's British Racing Green in Newark, Del. 1-302-368-1117
Ts Imported Automotive, Pandora , Ohio 800-543-6648 or e-mail:
Just Brits Hinsdale, IL Phone- 630-325-6113 Fax- 630-325-7650
There is also a place in Sandwich, MA which specializes in Austin
Parts, Austin Works East can be e-mailed at
Web Classifies located at
The major National Club is North American MGB Register membership info
can be gotten by calling: 1-800-NAMGBR1 or thru website at: Membership is $25 annually
in the USA and includes the bi-monthly award winning "MGB Driver"
There is a list of local clubs and other MG marque specific clubs at
Other MG internet information sites: Where you will find the "monster list" of parts
suppliers and venders is a site for Car For Sale
replace USACFS w/ USAPFS and you will get parts for sale classifies
I have an events page at or
you can find events for British car enthusiasts from Florida to s.e.
Canada along the Atlantic Coast
"Worth looking into" publications:
"British Car - The American Magazine for MG Enthusiasts Who Love
British Cars"
1 year (6 issues) $22.95 1-800-520-8292
"British Marque Car Club News" 28 page monthly newspaper, subscribtion
info available at website
MGB Driver - available only thru NAMGBR membership
North Amerian MGB Register
Membership Form
City / State or
Zip or Postal Code_____________________Country_________________________
Home Phone_________________________Work Phone______________________
E-Mail Address______________________________________________________
May we use your phone # as an emergency contact, should a Register
member traveling
through your area need assistance? Yes _______ No__________
Where did you learn of NAMGBR?_______________________________________
Do you belong to a local club? if so, which one?______________________
How many MGs do you own?____________ Years / Makes and Models ________
What other British cars do you
Enclose your check, Visa or Mastercard information and return to:
North American MGB Register
P.O. Box - MGB
Akin, IL 62805 USA or phone / fax to: 1-800-NAMGBR-1
One year membership is $25.00 US ($35 Overseas) and includes our
bimonthly publication MGB Driver
Visa or MasterCard (circle one)#________________________ exp. date_____
Name on Card if different from above__________________________________