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RE: Pardon the blasphemy

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Pardon the blasphemy
From: <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 21:36:43 -0400
Ben Russet wrote:

>I guess you'll all figure out I'm not a purist after this:
>I was just wondering if anybody had figured out a way of making MGA
> doors lockable. I wonder if it would be possible to fabricate a set of
> doors to MGA spec that have locks in them. Any ideas / comments /
> suggestions?

Phil Bates replied:

> Here's a suggestion - buy MGA coupe doors - which have locks, and
> alter them to be more like roadster doors.  I.E. knock off the window
> frames and the window frame ridge.

Ummmm ... am I missing something?  What is the point of installing
locks on the doors of an MGA roadster?  IOW, how are locks going to
stop someone when you have side curtains and a canvass hood?  I
for one don't even see the benefit of locking the doors on an MGB
roadster ... all that will get you is  slash hood.

Pursit Rant ON ...

If ya want locks ... buy an MG that came with them (MGA Coupe/MGB)
... don't go cutting up a good set of MGA Coupe doors ... arrrrrrrrrgh.

... Pursit Rant OFF.

Safety Fast! ...
'61 MGA 1600 MkII Roadster

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