I, for one, would like more details. Could you add anything to this. Do
you know what the cars went for? What will happen to the M-type now? I
saw these cars last summer, and have pix of them and the placques
identifying them. I had no idea these cars were there, I was going just
to nose around and see a Tucker.
Tom, '60 MGA 1600
On Sat, 18 Oct 1997, Dave Houser wrote:
> Couple of weeks back I mentioned to a friend that an auction for the
> First MG sold in the US was coming up soon in Pennsylvania. Told him to
> pass the word along to a fervent MG fan in my chapter somewhat jokingly.
> Well, word got passed and today at a club gathering, I was shown photos
> of this members latest purchase.
> Yes, he outlasted everyone and I was looking at the 1929 MG-M Type Ford
> brought to the US!
> There was another tale he told of the last MG, a B that was the last one
> sold to Ford as well. Seems the buyer, previously a Non MG type, was
> taking it home on the Penn Turnpike, it caught fire, and burned up
> completely! Sadly, help did not arrive in time.
> I believe a full story with pictures is planned for the TSO.
> Sidebar: Upon lifting out the original spare, he came across a complete
> toolkit for the car!
> Cheers,
> Dave Houser