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Re: lists(MG)

To: ch155@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDU
Subject: Re: lists(MG)
From: "Scott Gardner" <>
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 02:17:03 +0000
> I'm on the shop-talk list but it doesn't have a lot of activity, sometimes
> only a few messages a week. 
> ...Art
> On Fri, 17 Oct 1997, Steven Tritle wrote:
> > Has anyone used the autojumble or shop-talk lists on the
> > server? I just subscribed and have had no messages.
> > 
> > Steve
> > 52 TD
> > 
        I haven't subscribed to the autojumble, but I'm on the shop-talk 
list.  I need to unsubscribe, but as Art pointed out, there isn't 
much traffic to wade through.  The two main ongoing discussions in 
the shop-talk list seem to be about the proper paint for garage 
floors and what type of piping to use to route compressed air through 
a shop.
Scott Gardner

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