pat bailey wrote:
> I would love to have an RV8!!Does it drive well?When I first saw a
> picture of it I was knocked out,I think they did a good job of updating
> it while keeping the MGB look.I don't like the looks of the "F" it looks
> too jelly bean for my taste but I know they have to keep a new car
> looking modern.Not that I have the money but can they be brought into
> the US?Is there any RV8s over here?I would sure like to see one.
> Pat
Pat - I'm forwarding a mail from David Knowles in case you don't see it from
the mailing list. David knows a lot more about the subject than I do, I
hadn't realised that all European cars were RHD, for example. A couple of
books are required for Chruistmas, I think.
The RV8's were all right hand drive, irrespective of the market. The
only significant differences for non-UK markets (principally Japan,
Germany and The Netherlands) was a kph speedometer and, in the case of
the Japanese cars, deleted front fog-lights, standard air-con and
"ROVER" badges stuck onto the flanks just behind the front wheels. The
latter was because of a Japanese requirement for car manufacturers to
fix their name onto their cars.
The Japanese markets cars also had a few other electrical mods.
Something like 1,300 went to Japan, about 50 to Germany (I've mislaid my
records) and a handful to other markets. One did make a temporary visit
to the 'States, when Roche Bentley took his over to MG '94, but as far
as I know there aren't any there now. I've driven them, and as an MG V8
lover of old, I love them to bits; but with no PAS (with much bigger
tyres!), relatively primitive suspension (albeit much more advanced than
the MGB) no electric windows or other "basics" which the average
customer expects, the RV8 was a minority interest.
When I drove the car which featured on the front cover of my MG V8 book,
the reaction I got from people was really great. Whereas some people
would glower at Porsche and Mercedes drivers, with that "look at that
rich bastard" gleam in their eyes, everyone loved the RV8 - van drivers
would pull up alongside and ask about the car, and people would wave and
smile. In turn, I felt like a million dollars, but not in a snooty,
supercilious way; I just felt happy and privileged to be there. That
must be down to the MG factor.
David K.