I instigated the thread a few weeks ago about Super Clean. I have it in my
parts washer so I was exposed for several minutes before I realized what was
going on. It's a great product but definitely needs to be used with gloves.
It peeled the skin off where ever my skin was a little tender, like under my
wedding ring. I still have a little red mark on one finger but I healed.
( I know your thread is a few days old but I am behind on keeping up with the
Mike Lewellen
Carol wrote:
> A couple of weeks ago there was a discussion about the side effects of
> Castrol Super Clean on earthling skin...
> I had occasion to liberally soak my hands in the stuff yesterday (cleaning
> a window a/c unit that decided to foul out temporarliy yesterday morning).
> I wasn't thinking, or I would have put on gloves...
> SO... how many layers of skin is it that I'm supposed to lose? So far, not
> much of a problem, but as I recall the side-effects took a while to kick
> in... Maybe I can avert them...? (You don't see any smileys here... I'm
> serious....)
> Carol