Dave Houser wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with K&N Air filters on their MG's?
> I am convinced that the only reason my oil is black after 3,000 miles on
> the TD is those Hellings small foam but good looking air filters I have
> on the 1-1/2's. I think that they're keeping large stones and
> dragonflies out but that's about it.
I'm running K&Ns on the C/GT and the oil still get's black as tar. In my
case, I've always thought it was the imprecise carburation, non-vented
crankcase ventilation, and blowby that causes these problems.
Maybe the oil has been getting dirty like that for 30 years and we are only
now concerned because the new cars seem to keep their cleaner!
Bob Allen, Kansas City, '69CGT, '75TR6, '61Elva(?)
"The qualities of team players are most highly regarded by incompetent