Carol wrote:
> 'Quito (the cat) is now making the squirrel cage run... sort of a
> double-my-money-back option: I feed her anyway, so by making her "run for
> the food" to operate the squirrel cage, I'm saving on the electric bill....
> WHY make the cat hair float so far?? Save energy... take the supply to the
> consumer: put the cat in the A/C.
Now THAT gives me an idea for improving the heater.
> OH, and I forgot to mention the kitty footprints that were all over the
> freshly detailed car when I took it to ABCD the other weekend! The car was
> not even DRY before she trapsed all over it. It was dark and chilly, so...
> I just left the "cute" little prints intact and noted them as a "factory
> option" in the "comments" section of the show placard...! THAT CAT OWES ME!!!
Well, the Morris 1000 was known affectionately at the 'Moggie' Minor (Moggie -
cat of uncertain parentage). In your case definitely 'father unknown' ... the
cat, I should say, not you personally!