The instructions for the Crane electronic ignition suggest that what's
important is the not the size of the loop but how many times it is looped
around. However, I have not seen more than one loop...
On Tue, 7 Oct 1997, Syd Saperstein wrote:
> I had a '67 "BGT and when I redid the tach for neg earth I learned that the
> size of the wire loop that goes though the "pickup" sensor block in the
> tach was critical. (It should not make any diff. about pos or neg earth,
> it's just that that's what brought me to the subject) If the loop is not
> exactly the right length or size the tach will not read accurately and
> seemed to read in multiples of the true rpm. I suggest you check that loop
> and how it sits in that little sensor block doohicky (that's a very
> technical term I reserve for items electricum)
> ----------
> > From: Les Gould <>
> > To:
> > Subject: Tachometer
> > Date: Tuesday, October 07, 1997 7:24 PM
> >
> > Hi All- I have a '67 MGB with "positive earth". The tach will not go
> any
> > lower than about 3,000 RPM no matter how low I set idle. Is there
> > anything to be tried besides rebuilding the tach? And if it must be
> > rebuilt, can I do it? (I can rebuild a player piano!) And, if it must be
> > sent out, any recommendations as to where, or to whom? TIA, Les.
> >
> > 67MGB-hope to have it on the road soon
> > 77MGB-hope I live long enough to see it on the road
> > 61Sprite-wish I hadn't traded it in '66
Ulix __/__,__
.......................................................... (_o____o_)....
'67 Sprite