I inadvertently deleted the original message on this thread so I am replying
through this post. If it double posts I'm sorry. Us OF's probably never
will get the complete hang of computers. At any rate:
Larry Macy wrote:
>I have just checked the Haynes and the factory manual and I find no
>reference to this either. I worked as a mechanic for several years (in my
>20's am now an OF) on both automotive and industrial engines and this is
>new to me. I understand the idea of sintered bronze vs. brass but I have
>never heard of soaking the bushing in oil prior to this discussion. I
>think it is a good idea - just that I had never heard it before.
The subject rang a bell. In the factory manual for the TD in the chapter
about the dynamo (generator) is the following: "Before fitting the new
bearing bush it should be allowed to stand completely immersed for
twenty-four hours in thin engine oil to Ref. F (20W). This will allow the
pores of the bush to be filled with lubricant." Hope this is pertinent.