How right you are I had better stick to fart jokes!
On Wed, 24 Sep 1997, John J. Peloquin wrote:
> BTW, Arthur
> The original joke was that if Ted Kennedy drove a VW he'd be president.
> This bit of humor relied on the common knowledge current at the time of
> the Chappaquiddick incident that VW beetles could be depended on to
> float for some time after they went into the drink.
> I might relate a story from my youth in the tundra of Michigan's Upper
> Peninsula.
> Two associates of mine in my home town of Escanaba, MI, Rick Kobasic and
> Joe Snow were riding in Rick's Studebaker on the ice on Lake Michigan.
> For those of you who think this is crazy, the ice in the winter can be
> over two meters thick there.
> And besides, how will you get to your fish shanty if you don't have a
> snowmobile?
> At any rate, Rick managed to find a thin spot on the ice (which can happen
> near shore above a lake bottom spring) and the car went through the ice.
> He and Joe were surprized to be floating serenely about level with the
> top of the wheels with no evidence the vehicle was taking on water..
> Whereupon, Joe panicked, said, "I'm getting the hell out of here!" and
> opened the door rather than climbing out of the perfectly good
> windows onto the ice.
> Whereupon the car sank to the bottom.
> Both Rick and Joe escaped, only cold and wet.
> Rick would never ride with Joe after that for some reason.
> On Wed, 24 Sep
> 1997, Arthur
> Pfenninger wrote:
> =%O Don't know, but if VW's did Ted Kennedy would have been president!
> =%O...Art
> =%O
> =%OOn Wed, 24 Sep 1997, Debra A Morrow wrote:
> =%O
> =%O> Do MGB's float???
> =%O>
> =%O> Debbie
> =%O> 79B in Nora's path
> =%O>
> =%O>
> =%O>
> =%O>
> =%O>
> =%O
> "Never ascribe to Malice that which can be explained by Ignorance"
> John J. Peloquin
> Molecular Biology &
> Biochemistry
> 3205 BioSciences II
> Irvine, CA 92697-3900