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To: MG List <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Finally...!
From: "J. Adrian Barnes" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 14:12:55 -0400
The paint shop brought my Midget back home (well, now, to my brother's
house) yesterday.  I was quite happy.  So I went to the barn, sprayed a
load of stuff for spiders, and loaded it in a truck and moved it to my
brother's garage.  Now, _all_ i have to do is put the engine back
together, get the tranny back, put them both in the car, and then send
it BACK to the paint shop to get totally painted.  It only took all
summer!  I just hope the heater works well, because I'll need it by the
time I get this thing running.

What colors are standard Midget (1500) engine colors?  Just curious.
I'll probably go with whatever Wal-Mart has, but maybe I'll feel
inspired to look around a bit.  Do you use the same kind of paint on the
radiator, or is that another can of worms?

On another note, I saw an $11,500 '77 B in the paper here today
(knoxville, tn).  Must be nice!


nice newly machined 1500 that didn't cost $11,500
lots of spider covered '75 parts and VIN, that also didn't cost $11,500
partially painted '76 Midget body that could end up costing $11,500

J. Adrian Barnes

"Anything tastes like chicken
 with the right seasoning!"

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