(Barney Gaylord) wrote:
>Or maybe the switches made 11 years ago were better than those made more
Or maybe my acquaintance with the repeated trouble bought really cheap
parts? I don't know, just reporting what I've
encountered+heard+experienced. Never claimed my knowledge was perfect.
>Oh, oh ! Maybe I'd better stock a spare now?
Gee, Barney. If I had room to stock spares of all the stuff that was made
better 11 years ago... Then again, define "better". Is an SU fuel pump
with points "better" than a more reliable one with an electro-optical
Uh-oh, methinks we're headed in a philosophical (and off-topic) direction,
so I'll shut up now.
Chris Kotting
'77 Midget (Thinking about
'93 Saturn which is "better")