Well, Mike, you seem like a fairly sharp kid. What I would like
you to do is copy your post, tuck it into the hidey hole that you deem
safe and break it out whenever your soon to be 16 eldest child rags you
for the car of his/her dreams. See if it still has the same effect on
you that it has today. In other words, your OF father has been down this
street before. He's not messing w/ you 'cause you're not smart enough to
make your own decisions. It's not his first rodeo either---and I don't
even know the man. Believe me that at some point in your life you will
realize that he is the very smartest man you have ever come across. At
least, I hope so.
Larry Dickstein
On Sat, 06 Sep 1997 01:33:51 -0700 Mike Lishego <mikesl@tartan.sapc.edu>
>Larry Dickstein wrote:
>> Perhaps the problem is kids who expect their parents to buy
>> any kind of car. Get off your butt and earn the money to buy the
>kind of
>> car YOU can, or will pay for!!!
>> Larry Dickstein
>> Parent of 20 and 17 year olds-both, of whom, bought their own cars
>My problem, when car shopping was what my parents wouldn't let me buy.
> I had $1250
>of three summers work saved up. I wanted an '80 midget and Dad said
>no, it's too
>unsafe. So, I found an '86 Pl**outh that was on fire once. Yep, this
>is the same
>car whose horn would sound when it rained because the DPO didn't know
>his ass from a
>wiring diagram. This same car came with a computer system that fried
>itself into a
>black pancake because of the faulty wiring.
>My problem was my Dad was hitting his second childhood/midlife crisis
>about that
>time, and I don't think he wanted me driving around in a classier car
>than his.
>Michael S. Lishego
>St. Andrews Presbyterian College
>Elementary Education Major,
>English Minor, Class of 1999
>R.A. of Winston-Salem Hall