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Re: Update on Starting a Rebuilt MGA 1500

Subject: Re: Update on Starting a Rebuilt MGA 1500
From: (Barney Gaylord)
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 04:12:21 EDT
On Thu, 4 Sep 1997 00:18:10 -0400 (EDT) writes:

>Fellow Listers....
>     Many thanks to the nearly one dozen responses to my cry for help on
starting my freshly rebuilt MGA 1500 - Particular thanks to Barney for
his extensive treatise on determining the problem.  I have concluded over
the many months that I have been on the list that Barney knows everything
there is to know about MGA's. .....

Oh, oh.  Now he's gone and done it.  How big do they make hats anyway?

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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