Well Folks,
Here's a new twist to the situation. I took the valve cover off,=
checked the clearances and watched the valve operation at idle - pretty
cool if you've never seen it before, BTW. Anyway it seemed just fine so =
gave it some gas. The valves looked like they were working OK but it
started back firing out of the stinking carbs at me!
Now I know the reason is I have been taking another car to work
with me and Binky is showing her disgust and spitting at me but if anyone=
has a technical reason for this increase in her nastiness to me I would b=
grateful. I want her back and am prepared to forgive her.
I re-checked the timing - 15 BTDC (should be 10 BTDC) and the dwe=
55 (should be 60 +/- 3)
The next item that you have given me to check is the possibility of a
blockage in the exhaust. I'm saving that for the weekend.
What do you think.
Adrian (Lovelorn in NC)