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To: Dave Woerpel <>
Subject: Re: WARNING, WARNING!!!!!!!
From: Kai Radicke <>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 21:14:56 -0400
NO NO NO!!!  This can't happen you have been hoaxed.  Please DO NOT send
virus warnings to the list.  


>Just got this off some email - I know nothing about it but take
>precautions!! Dave
>WARNING!!!!!! If you receive an e-mail titled "JOIN THE  CREW" DO NOT
>it!  It will erase EVERYTHING on your hard drive! Send this letter out
>to as
>many people you can.......this is a new virus and not many people know
>  This information was received this morning from IBM, please share it 
>anyone that might access the Internet.
>  If anyone receives mail entitled; PENPAL GREETINGS! please delete it
>WITHOUT reading it!!  This is a warning for all Internet users - there
>is a
>dangerous virus propagating across the Internet through an e-mail
>entitled "PENPAL GREETINGS!".
>  This message appears to be a friendly letter asking you if you are
>interested in a penpal, but by the time you read this letter, it is too
>The trojan horse" virus will have already infected the boot sector of
>hard drive, destroying all of the data present.  It is a
>virus, and once the message is read, it will   AUTOMATICALLY forward
>to anyone who's e-mail address is present in   YOUR mailbox!
>  This virus will DESTROY your hard drive, and holds the potential to
>the hard drive of anyone whose mail is in your in box, and who's mail is
> their in box and so on.  If this virus keeps getting passed, it has the
>potential to do a great deal of DAMAGE to computer networks
>  Please, delete the message entitled "PENPAL GREETINGS!" as soon as you
>it!  And pass this message along to all of your friends, relatives and
>other readers of the newsgroups and mailing lists which you are on so
>they are not hurt by this dangerous virus!!!!
>  Please pass this along to everyone you know so this can be stopped. 
>THIS ON TO YOUR FRIENDS!!! WARNING !!!  There is a new virus going
>around in
>the last couple of days!!!  DO NOT open or even look at any mail that
>you get
>that says: "Returned  or Unable to Deliver" This virus will attach
>itself to
>your computer components and render them useless. Immediately delete any
>items that says this. AOL has said this is a very danderous virus, and
>is NO remedy for it at this time, Please Be Careful. >
Kai Radicke --, 1966 MGB @ 
Dialogue Internet - Intelligent Internet Solutions

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