The Richards wrote:
> >
> > God, I promised myself to stay out of this. . .but (knew there was a but,
> dindcha?), the fact is the Teamsters are using the 'part timer' issue to
> diguise the real reason they walked from the table, Pension Fund. UPS wants
> to take the Pension Fund from the Union and administer it themselves, and
> have shown documented proof that UPS workers will benefit from this. Thing
> is, Teamsters are using UPSs' pension 'donations' to subsidize pensions for
> non UPS workers.
I (almost) promise, this is my last post on the subject (unless
provoked). :)
This was posted *by a UPS employee* on the <balt.general> N/G:
"The strike is definately about power. UPS is owned by its management.
Most of whom are currently out trying thier best to make thier company
run at whatever level they can. If this means eventually hiring
replacement workers, so be it.
The Teamsters union is terrified of the possibilities presented in the
last contract offer. It is a good offer with pay increases, moves more
people from part time to full time jobs, limits sub-contracting, and
offers profit sharing bonuses. The biggest sticking point is UPS desire
to spend it's money on UPS retirements. The contract would allow UPS to
withdraw from the teamster Multi-employer retirement fund. That fund is
woefully underfunded, and UPS is tired of paying for the retirement of
non UPS employees. The new retirement fund would increase retirement
benefits by 50% and give retirement to part time workes as well. The
problem is, that if the teamsters vote on, and approve this contract,
the union is dead. End of story."
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Bob De Weese
Certified Professional Locksmith
* "The secret to effective communication is knowing what to say, *
* how to say it, and whom to say it to." *