Bob De Weese wrote:
> EMILY COWEN wrote:
> >
> > The construction guy was charged with manslaughter, and had to go to
> > court. He claimed that he had no knowledge of how a pipe bomb could
> > have ended up inside his tool box. His lawyer listed the number of
> > times he'd been broken in to, and suggested that the pipe bomb could
> > have been supplied by the victims. The jury bought it, and the
> > construction guy was released; but, he had to pay a humonguous legel
> > bill. The taxpayers had to pay for an expensive trial.
> >
> > Who "won"?? The lawyers... but the break-ins stopped.
> >
> > TTUL8r, Kirk Cowen (who rather likes the concept of the Taser)
> I've got one for ya. A customer of mine kept having cars on his lot
> stolen and / or vandalized. "Why don't you get a big dog?", I asked.
> "Because that cost a friend of mine ten grand", he replied.
> Apparently his friend kept a dog in his office at night, after being
> broken into several times. Well one night a guy broke in and got chewed
> up pretty badly. The theif, was caught, convicted of burglary, and even
> did time. And you guessed it... He sued the business owner and the
> case was settled by the insurance company for $ 10,000.
> Only in America!
> Almost! A chap here in the UK saw a thief jemmying a garage door,
challenged him, and when the thief ran off gave chase, caught him and
performed a citizens arrest. To do this he rugby-tackled the thief and
brought him to the ground and both suffered minor abrasions in the
process. The thief brought a complaint and the Police had no option but
to prosecute. Fortunately the case was dropped before it came to
court, perhaps someone had a quiet word somewhere along the way.