Hi folks.
I solved the first half of a minor mystery, but need some help to
solve the final piece.
For the last couple of months, I've been noticing these unusual black
marks on the top of my coffee table. I'd clean 'em up and they'd
show up again the next day.
I finally realized that they were from my shoes (sandals, boots
- any footwear) but couldn't figure out why it had just begun . After
all, I've been putting my feet up on my furniture for years.
Two and two finally made four in my li'l brain when I realized that
the black marks had shown up with the Midget. Sure enough, I found a
little puddle of oil in the drivers footwell.
The oil is coming down the brake pedal (thankfully it's the back of
the brake pedal!). My question is, where is it coming from? My
second question is, wherever it's coming from, how do I replenish the
lubricant being lost to the leak?
Thanks in advance for your help.