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Re: TD wiring question

Subject: Re: TD wiring question
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 10:36:36 -0500

I can also testify that Horst Schach's book is invaluable, particularly
for someone like me that is going through a ground-up resto on a TD.  I
think the title "Complete" is a bit oversold, however, since it is not
quite as thorough as "TC's Forever,"  for example.  The book was written
by an amateur restorer that has experience with two TD restorations and
restorations of a couple of other cars.  He takes you step by step
through the restoration of his second TD-- from bare frame to body to
upholstery.   It is the best book on the market for someone doing his own
TD restoration and I highly recommend it.  It is a practical guide for
the entire process of restoration, as opposed to the "Original MG T
Series" (Clauseger) type book that just tells you what it should look
like when it is done.  The book is sold through the New England MGT
Register, of whom I am sure you are aware.  Contact them for a copy-- I
think it is about $25.  I got the version that has the ring binding so I
can use it in my workshop.

BTW, I thoroughly enjoyed "War Wheels."  May I forward it to our local
newsletter editor for possible publication?  I promise to give you full
credit and not be an actionable, evil thief of intellectual property like
Aron ;-)

David Littlefield
Houston, TX
"Sometimes in a copyright stealing frenzy"

On Fri, 11 Jul 1997 09:35:45 -0400 (EDT) "W. R. Gibbons"
<> writes:
>On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, Bud Krueger wrote:
>> drip loop here to keep water from draining down into the tube. If 
>> don't already have one, I'd suggest buying a copy of "The Complete 
>> TD Restoration Manual" by Horst Schach. I wish that it had been
>> available when I was trying to put mine back together.
>Where can one buy this book?  I haven't seen it advertised.
>   W. R. Gibbons  Dept. of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics
>                  Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT
>          (802) 656-8629

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