Don Toy wrote:
> Can anyone cross reference me to a coil that I can get for the TF that
> is
> an acceptable replacement that I can get locally. NAPA, Traks, and
> Advance
> Auto are all likely possibilities. Thanks in advance.
> Safety Fast,
> Don Toy
> 54 TF
> 80 MGB
Hi Don,
I think I can help you here. Go to your local NAPA store and ask
for a coipy of their Echlin Catalog #104. It lists all of the available
ignition/electrical parts for 'older' cars. In the MG section you'll
find the listing for coil # IC64. NAPA catalogs are free for the stores,
so you should be able to get one from them.
Bud Krueger
52TD (once owned a NAPA store)