The other night I was over at the other garage, (the one where old
locksmith stuff goes to die), and while going though some old cataloges
and refference books, GUESS WHAT I FOUND!
I came accross an old (last updated 1993) foriegn car lock catalog
containing about three pages of LBC locks _and parts_.
I called the company to see why I hadn't received an update since
'93, and was told that 1993 was, in fact the last year that they
updated. However, I was also told that they have been working on a
totally revamped cataloge using a new format (translation: They've been
sitting on their asses for four years, and now, they're finally getting
around to it). I was told that they should be ready in roughly 3 months
(translation: 6 months, ...maybe). The new one should be shipped at
no charge, automaticly, to registered owners of the old cataloge (that's
me!), as soon as it's ready. (Translation: Better check back around
January) :)
Anyway, if you're lookin', let me know and I'll see what I can do. It
looks like they have (or at least had) a pretty good selection of stuff
going back to, (probably) the early '60s.
When the new cataloge arrives, I'll check and see what's still available
(and what if anything has been added) and report back here.
Oooooo boy! I've got goose bumps! :)
77 MGB Roadster
Bob De Weese
Certified Professional Locksmith
* "The secret to effective communication is knowing what to say, *
* how to say it, and whom to say it to." *