aramm wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm readying myself for the body work on my '69 B and I'm wondering whch
> job I should tackle first. The floors and the sills need replacing, and
> currently, on the passenger side, the floor is out. So...
> Should I replace the floor first before doing the sill, or can I do the
> sill with the floor out? Any recommendations?
> Thanks!
> Andy Ramm
> '69 B
> --
> Andy Ramm
> Fire brewed, cold filtered, double hopped, beachwood aged....
Most examples of body repair I have come across seem to entail cutting
all the rotten metal out before putting any new metal in, but either
part can be replaced with the other in situ. However, if doing both, I
would fit the new sills first, lining them up against doors and front
and rear wings (even rotten doors and wings can be used for alignment),
rather than fitting the floor first then butting the sills up against
it. This latter approach can lead to a sizable misalignment between the
lower rear corner of the door and the lower front of the rear wing.