That was actually a REALLY faded red, I have seen numerous rubber bumbers
(forget what year, but they were all the same year), and all are this TURN
this color after about 10 years. 2 streets over is a perfect example of
this color, I asked the owner and he said it was read, now a nice Pink
color. I also saw a few of these cars in the back of British Miles.
Kai M. Radicke --
1966 MGB --
Dialogue Internet --
Intelligent Internet Solutions
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Hot Pink MGB
> Date: Saturday, June 14, 1997 12:46 AM
> This morning I saw a rubber bumper B go by me in the opposite direction
> the freeway in Thousand Oaks, CA. It was painted hot pink with gold
> spoke-type wheels. Wonder how that would have looked on the Alaska trip ?
> Hmmmmm.......
> Bruce Durgin
> 64 B
> (still wincing over that polka dotted MGB in one of the newsletters last
> month...the one painted to match the owner's dog...)