Hello Aron:
As one of my sets of vanity plates reads "MRMOPAR" I guess I should answer
this one. None of the regular Mopar passenger vehicles used alternators
until 1960 BUT they were used on taxi and police cars - which were always a
special product line at Chrysler - from some time in the mid to early
fifties. I would have to do some checking, which I don't have time for at
the moment, to confirm the exact dates. As Chrysler converted all vehicles
to 12 volt in 1956, it is entirely possible that some 6 volt alternators
exist, but they would be very rare.
John McEwen
>Rick Feibusch wrote:
>> Aron Travis wrote about six volt Chrysler alternators and Mini Mania's rib
>> case A series gearboxes:
>> 1) As far as I know, the last six volt American cars were built in 1955 and
>> the first alternators came out in 1963 so if there is any truth to the
>> rumor it would be a specialty item and not generally available. I could be
>> wrong, but . . . . . . . ..
>The '55 Chrysler Newport had a 6V Alt., leave it to Chrysler to come
>up with this engineering. I agree it is a 'specialty item', but
>interesting that it exists. I am friends with a diehard Chrylser nut,
>I'll email him to confirm.
>-Aron Travis-
>"always in a automotive frenzy"